Thursday 1 January 2015

Week 10 - Outcome

Well, its definitely been an interesting module. I have read some text and enjoyed them, I've been shocked, I've felt bored, I've been confused, I've been excited and I've relaxed and watched a film. I think with the texts covered have probably given most emotions and with some have struggled to put down on paper what exactly I was thinking or feeling. It was a new experience and although testing and sometimes a struggle I enjoyed it, I guess. 

The text have given me an insight into the past views in architecture for instance in 'The Fountainhead' and also introduced me to the title of 'Starchitects' the modern architect of today like Hadid. I sometimes struggle to understand the deeper meanings in text but reading these has helped me to understand some of my problems and also helped me to understand how to read not what is on the paper but what is beneath it. 

We are the new bread of architects that will be facing the political and economic world today and in the future will this future need the likes of Roark or Keating? Will there be cold hard cash or the kind of floating around never seen cash of Badiou? Its useful to read these text because it gives us examples of the past to help as modern architects today. 

How much will we be governed and directed by the media? We live in a Big Brother world where everything is watched, directed, staged almost like the film described by Badiou. Who will be the hero of our own reality show when everything starts to come crashing down? Will the new architects be able to work with the new society to built a world supported by pillars which won't come crashing down? 

There was a lot of information to digest and some which I struggled to understand what it had to do with me as an architecture student but on every text I was able to form an opinion so I think if that was the aim then I was successful. My favourite piece if I had to choose would probably be 'The Fountain' because it was in a media I could understand easier. Would I enjoy the book as much? Probably not! The text which got the most reaction was 'The Howl'. Does this mean it was a bad text, that I shouldn't of read it? No! Although I struggled to see the connection with architecture at times it did get the strongest reaction from me so perhaps that makes it one of the most important text? What we want to read and what we should read are not necessarily always the same......

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